Basic Necessities in Home Organization Tools

Clear plastic stackable shoe boxes. These are versatile, inexpensive and can be used in just about every room in the home for almost anything imaginable. I have used them in the kitchen for granola bars, in the garage for rags, in the bedroom for accessories and in the bathroom for organizing under the sink. These home organization tools are a great storage tools that fits neatly on shelves and is absolutely great for u effectively using that huge storage space under bathroom sinks. And they are really great if you are on a budget because you can get these inexpensive home organization tools for a few dollars at many major retail stores.

A desktop filer. These are great home organization tools, especially for incoming mail and paper. We all have a lot of paper coming into our homes on a daily basis. Mail, schoolwork, magazines, receipts. A desktop filer or two is a great way to get all of that paper organized. I have one for all of the mail that comes into my home. The action items go in the first slot (bills and mail that requires an immediate response from me), mail that needs a response but not an immediate one goes in the second slot (letters from friends and family) and mail that I need to review (magazines and information items) goes in the third slot. If you have kids, having them organize their schoolwork in this way might work for them.

Large clear plastic stackable boxes or labeled stackable boxes. Let’s face it, all of us have “stuff” that we need to store somehow. Memory boxes, boxes with hobby materials, those “someday” projects that we cannot seem to quite let go of yet. The best home organization tools for this job are clear plastic stackable boxes so that you can easily see at a glance what is in them and so that you can easily stack them for the best use of your storage space. The second best option is labeled stackable boxes. When you label them, just be sure that you will be able to see the label. If you are not sure how the boxes are going to end up being stored, it would be best to label every side, that way you