Concrete Ponds and Freezing Climates

The pond liner advocates have maligned concrete constructed ponds and waterfalls for years by making spurious claims that concrete will crack and not hold up over time or in cold freezing climates. Here are the facts about the differences between the rubber liners versus concrete and rebar construction.

My first case in point would have to be the most obvious illustration of the practical to application of concrete in relation to rubber liners as a worthy, reliable construction material with structural sustainability. Let’s use dams for my example and illustration.

There are four main types of dams: arch, buttress, gravity, and embankment dams. The type of constructionfor each dam is determined by the structure’s proposed use and/or application, the characteristics of the proposed location, volume of water to be retained by the structure, local construction materials available and last but not least, the budget limitations.

Arch dams are constructed in a horizontal arch facing upstream to most effectively resist the retained water’s force. Arch dams are most commonly utilized in narrow canyons and are almost always constructed of concrete.

Buttress dams are characterized by a set of angled supports on the downstream side that help to support the structure against the water’s force. The buttress dams are more suited for wide canyons that lack the availability of bedrock. This type of steel framework structure and the associated labor involved makes then unfeasible economically in the current financial market.

Gravity dams withstand the force of water by virtue of its own weight. This type of dam is constructed of cement or masonry, normally utilizing solid rock for its foundation. But can also be situated over unconsolidated material as long as water can be prevented from flowing under the structure.

Embankment dams use locally available material (